Friday, October 8, 2010

Smash arts cover 1

As a class assignment, we had to design a cover for Smash Arts magazine. The cover had to reflect the magazine's artistic content and had to look different and unique from all the other art magazines out there.

I really kind of struggled with this assignmet because there were just too many ideas that I had but non seemed to be unique enough or original enough for the magazine cover.

The first cover I designed was centred around the background image that I had found, which was this

I loved the colours so I decided to work my cover around this background. The first thing I did was to design the masthead for the magazine. I wanted the masthead to be something that could fit in with all designs that coule possibly come from the magazine so this was what I cam up with

The fonts are simple and the colour and type is recognizable enough. AFter coming up with the masthead, I came up with a list of other fonts that I could use for the header in the magazine. I wanted the fonts to loo very clean and futuristic so I chose exactly those type of fonts.

Once I had chosen the font type, I then worked my way around the background, fitting the headers all into the colours, and this was what I came up with:

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